Plotter: Plot Anything
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You can send any data to Plotter and it will magically add an auto-scaled chart to all currently listening dashboards.

Getting Started
Download Plotter from Github and change the auth token in index.js
Start the server by running node index.js
. In your application, make a GET request to
Here are some JSON formats that can be sent to the server:
1. {"chartID" : value, "chartID2": value2}
2. {"chartID" : {"breakdown1": value1, "breakdown2": value2}}
3. {"chartID" : {"title": "Title"}}
4. {"chartID" : {"value": value, "title": "Title"}}
Plotter will add the current value to the appropriate chart. If the current value is passed in as a breakdown, then Plotter will chart the sum of the breakdown.
{"Signups" : {"Web" : 12, "Mobile" : 10}} // Will graph 22 and show the breakdown above the chart
{"logins": {"title": "Number of Logins", "Web": 10}}
You can easily run it on Heroku:
heroku apps:create myapp
git push heroku master
Check it out and let me know what you think! Plotter was inspired by Tasseo and Scout Realtime.
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